
  • Health
  • Yearly

New diagnosis

Rewind a few years ago a junior rheumatologist said I think you have fibromyalgia, then it wasn’t mentioned again for years. In the last two weeks I got an official diagnoses of fibromyalgia and I’m told that explains my pain...

I turned 38

I actually turned 38 last month! It seems such a milestone I’m no longer closer to 20’s or even 30 I’m going to be 40 before I know it! It’s not been a great start to being 38 I’m on my second illness, can you believe it? It...




  • Random
  • Books

November plans

I intended to blog so much more in October but I got Covid and it was a ride, physically & emotionally but that blog will be out later this week! I thought I’d go through November and me as my first blog back! Firstly a blog...

Reading, friendships & acceptance

Good evening!I wasn’t going to blog today because I’ve another match day blog coming as it’s the FA cup weekend! However I was sat at my desk and I just felt like writing!I was thinking back to my goals, I’ve been sat reading...
