Category: Health

New diagnosis

Rewind a few years ago a junior rheumatologist said I think you have fibromyalgia, then it wasn’t mentioned again for years. In the last two weeks I got an official diagnoses of fibromyalgia and I’m told that explains my pain...

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Health update

Hey guys, It’s been such a while since I did a proper update. The truth is I’ve not been right since having Covid in October / November. Physically & mentally I’ve been exhausted. I’ve recently had sinusitis and possible...

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I’ve been sick

Firstly I’m sorry there wasn’t a blog last week, I’ve not got off to a great start have i! I wanted to give you a quick update on my reading goal! Unbelievable I’m on my 3rd book this year already! Now the year hasn’t got off to...

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Heart update from London

It was finally my turn to visit my hospital in London as they still aren’t doing full capacity clinics. It was an early start 5am! First off it was medication and get ready including packing the car. It was then off to...

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Understanding my hearing!

I have been really busy this past week with appointments I have felt like I’ve not stopped. I was excited to properly understand my hearing loss. I’ve known I had a hearing loss since I was around 5 years old. I didn’t fully...

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Hip issues

I’ve been finding it tough to blog recently with no sport to go to and with the pandemic still going on. However I felt I should update you all. Lockdown has affected so many and its affected my physical health too....

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Health update!

I thought it was time to tell you what’s been going on & why I’ve not been posting. As you know a year ago I moved to Manchester and that blog will be coming in October! However following moving I struggled with not having...

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