Category: Yearly

I turned 38

I actually turned 38 last month! It seems such a milestone I’m no longer closer to 20’s or even 30 I’m going to be 40 before I know it! It’s not been a great start to being 38 I’m on my second illness, can you believe it? It...

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2023 Goals

I can’t believe we are in 2023 already! I hope all readers had a lovely Christmas & new year! I’ve taken over a week todo this post as I wanted to really think about things. Personal goals this year is my first area. To...

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My 33rd year ..

I can’t believe I’m heading to my 34th birthday so I thought I should review my 33rd year on this earth, So here’s an insight in to my 33rd year which I’ve got to tell you, I was looking forward to as I don’t like odd numbers...

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My goals for 2019

 Morning  all,Happy new year everyone! I hope 2019 treats you well, just be you and enjoy the year, create lots of memories!This coming year I have a few goals I’d like to share with you!Carrying on reading ..I will be...

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Did I achieve my goals in 2018?

 Evening  all,To my fourth blog, it’s a look back at the goals I set myself at the end of 2017 for this year, I didn’t make many but I think realistic so here we go,Read more – I’ve definitely read more this...

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To my family & friends

 Afternoon all,Third blog of the day, a relatively short one!Firstly a thanks to my family, for always believing in me and for supporting me. For helping me and we’ll just being a great family!To my friends far and wide my...

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Football friends .. thank you

 Afternoon all,So we’ve had the health update but now it’s a special blog post that I’m doing incredibly early as I want everyone to read it before the beers / wine starts flowing it’s a huge shoutout to my incredible...

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