Good evening!
A Monday night game was ahead of us with Chelsea in the FA cup!
Monday started off with a chat with my friend Ben, we had a good chat and Ben was off to get a brew but not before giving his prediction of 3-1 which I also said, I was feeling confident, I’ve no idea why though as we had won at Stamford bridge for a while!
My first stop Monday was food shopping with my cousin! It’s alway fun going food shopping with my cousin, we normally end up loosing the trolly! Before long shopping was finished and I was back home,  charging my phone, as I’d had a chat to Mef and Ben while shopping!
Before I knew it I was having my meds and packing my bag, My brother went to get some fuel too! I was meeting Jamie at about 2pm!
Once I met up with Jamie we went and collected shay & Matt and then we was off to the big smoke! I found out basically every one was on upper shed gutted, Although Mark & dips on twitter said they was in lower but I didn’t manage to catch up with them either!
We decide to drive into central London! It went pretty smooth really, although we did go round a roundabout twice In Kensington area! We got to the point where Matt was in the hot seat for directions! We didn’t do too bad, we saw a lot of really expensive homes! We ended up at the hospital car park, I was worried we was going to hit the roof as my car is pretty high, thankfully we was ok! We got parked up and off we went for a walk up to Stamford bridge!
We was actually early to arrive! I spoke to Neil briefly, who predicted 2-1 and said he was going to call soon, he still hasn’t haha! I spoke to ben to see if he’d arrived safely and he was still a bit a way, traffic was bad for everyone I think!
At half time we were winning 2-0 goals from Herrera & pogba! During Half time I caught up with the girls who said that they could hear the away fans loud & clear on the TV!
The second half saw no goals however I’d like to give a mention to the traveling Man Utd fans. The away end was unreal last night, it was constant and very loud, it was great to be part of the away end, happy reds seem to go up in volume, it was fantastic to be a part of such an away end!
After the match and clapping the players & ole we made our way to the car, we were very lucky to be given free parking, today was a good day!
The journey home went really quick, shay slept all the way home. I was chatting to Ben all the way home we both agreed that the MOTM was Herrera! I also chatted to Mef too.
Dropping off Jamie, Matt & shay it was time to head home, well until Jamie had text he had to come over and get a few things he’d left in the car, and I’ve still ended up with matts gloves!
I sat on my bed chatting to Ann Marie & Ben, I was glad to hear that Gary had got home safe to! Before I knew it was 2am and I was ready to sleep! I fell asleep and woke up at 6.30am! I was glad to wake up to a message from Ben letting me know he’d arrived home safely.
Up next is Liverpool at home on Sunday!

Vicky xx