Hey guys!
Week 11 of off season!
I can’t believe we are nearly at the end of off season! What a summer it has been!
Well this week firstly I’d like to acknowledge the heat wave OMG it’s been outrageous! I swear It’s been so hot it’s made me wish it was winter which I hate because of the pain!
Overall this week has been really not great at all! I’ve not felt so emotionally drained for such a long time. I’m still not ready Togo into it, sorry guys.
However let’s focus on the good bits!
Firstly I spoke to my friend Jo for an hour, it’s been to long! Always good to catch up & talk about the French sayings LOL!
My good friend Neil also rang twice and even managed to get a laugh out of me, which i hadn’t thought was possible! Talking to Neil about my past really helped me realise that people won’t judge me.
I also spoke to Ben at the very start of it all who told me to ignore & let go, he’s a good egg!
I saw Jamie and have spoken to him via text all through the text, who kept reminding me of the good things! Also talking about how booking parking is for losers, ha ha!
I also spoke to Katie and that’s been so lovely! We have mutual friends so that helps sharing stories and laughing that’s been good for me!
On social media there’s been so many messages & love and deep chats with Victoria & Sian and people just dropping in to make sure I’m ok.
Of course Lee has been the tower of strength as always!
I’m so lucky to have some great people around me, i just wish they lived closer as at times like this you need your mates!
Until next week
Vicky xx