Morning all,
Today’s a bit different, Sunday was rest day for me I literally watched the football and had a nap! Oh I did write two reviews from past trips, good service should be acknowledged as much as bad service! So I thought what can I write about for Sunday’s blog (as I write a day behind). So I thought I’d take you back to November and what was going on!
I was sat at my table using my iPad when I had a notification and was curious so I went to explore. I found that real murcia were selling shares in a bid to save the club. So after I’d gone to bed I sat and had a little think about it! I then decided to have a look on the club website & look up the area, I like to research!
So after about an hour I decided I’d go for it and purchased a small amount of shares 60 to be exact from real murcia! It’s the first time I’ve ever done something like this.
I decided to do it because football is something that’s always been part of my life and I wanted to try and help a club in Spain even though in a small way. It felt good to help and I hope The campaign saves the club dearly.
On Saturday morning I got an email from Real Murcia saying “dear shareholder” and it was a nice feeling. I’ve started following them on social media now to and I’m hoping to go out there next year to see the stadium, that’s rather large, saying that this club is a founding member of Le Liga! 
So that’s my story about becoming a shareholder and why, I’m enjoying following there social media’s & hope they can push for promotion. 
I loved how they ended the share holder newsletter so today I’ll end the blog in the same way, and see you all tomorrow

Goal hug xx