Hey guys,
So I wanted to do a general health update as I’ve not done an update for a while! 
The first is my heart, so I’ve been pretty stable overall thankfully but in actually seeing my team next week in London! So I’ll definitely give you an update from the appointment!
Second is my rheumatoid and being 100% honest with you guys I’ve been struggling especially since moving I think it just kicked off a huge flare-up, in really hoping this starts to Improve as I get more settled. Sadly I’m in limbo with a rheumatologist now with moving areas so hopefully, I’ll get a new team soon!
Thirdly my eating well that’s improving I’ve been trying some foods including mash, liver casserole, sausage casserole pastry, meat and some veg, it’s up and down with my pain levels but I’m certainly trying! I’m not able to eat solid these are mainly purred or very soft.
Finally my general health has taken a hammering with various infections but I was expecting this with moving areas & not having built up a resistance to the strains in the north!
Tomorrow I’ll be doing a mental health up date, until then
Vicky xx