Who remembers me getting my dog Ole a golden Labrador? She’s 2 later this week and I’m going todo a birthday post about her!
But the reason for getting ole was because I needed more help. Ole is currently waiting for assistance dog training. But she’s become really important to me as my asthma has got worse during my time in Manchester my specialist says it’s because of the smog which I’m not use too.
Of course she helps me with my anxiety and depression such a good girl.
Now she’s such a clever dog when in having trouble breathing she’ll come sit by me and see if I get better and if I start in full asthma attack she’ll bark and run to Adam and back to me she barks none stop! She sits while Adam gets my inhaler & waits by me to make sure my breathing gets better then she goes off normally to the sofa!
If she’s on a walk with Adam and she hears me deep breathing on the phone she barks at Adam too as if to say get home dad mom needs us!
She’s a beautiful girl and so clever!
Vicky xx