Hey guys,

It’s been so long but I’m back! I have thought long and hard about if I wanted to come back if my writting was even good enough or if I was even interesting!

February 2020 I turned 35 we had the biggest adventure! We drove from Manchester to Brugge for a football match. Then we drove to South of France too see our friend Jo! We had the best week! I loved showing Adam the South of France it was the best trip, turning 35 and sunbathing it was the best! Spending precious time with my friend!

We then had to drive home quickly with snow on the alpes (have you driven over the Alpes its an experience!). We also saw covid numbers rising in Italy (we were meant to be in Italy that week but changed our plans!)

As I sat at home at the start of March my anxiety had started to get very bad I couldn’t watch the news or talk to people.

I decide to sit and make a list of what we needed for both us & the cats would need for a few weeks because I knew this virus was coming and I knew with the combination of my health issues this was series.

Next thing realising that moving was not the best time as the GP didn’t know me and at first I wasn’t on the clinically extemely vulnerable list. I rang my heart team who wrote a letter and I was on the list! My rheumatologist who I’d never met then made sure I was on the list too!

I was very grateful to my friend Gary who got us a week’s worth of essentials, he really helped us out and I cant wait to have a beer with him soon!

My friend Andy goodness you saved me sending up care packages of the things I couldn’t get!

My cousin managed to get us a huge shop from sainsbury’s via online shopping which was so needed.

My friend Ben picked up prescriptions for me and made sure I had my liquid food!

The community that has helped us in particular Rosie & Val who got us food, prescriptions at various points of the past 13 months!

Then we started getting government boxes and Tesco slot, thank you! We still needed help from our community as we didn’t always get what we had ordered!

I met some great people through a Facebook group of others shielding.

Adam learnt to make bread and pizza, while I was dreaming of for off places!

We got a puppy Olive a golden labrador! She’s hard work but she’s going to make the best help dog. We have a fantastic trainer called Lynn I’m so glad we have her in our life to help with ole!

December came and it was so hard my mental health hit rock bottom after being unwell and having paramedics out which was diagnosed as panic attacks. I was crying most days, I ended up driving home to see my family be it from a far! It helped. Excitingly we even managed to send out save the dates out for out wedding!

Our second Christmas we spend alone but we had each other & our crazy puppy!

A new year came and I think Adam spent a month at the vets, with ole eating my bank card & adams wallet! To her eating a USB and then having a burst abcess! Please get pet insurance!

My cat Beckham was diagnosed with feline asthma & food intolerance!

I had my first injection in February and my second this coming Sunday!

I’m 36 now and it’s been quite the year! The ups and downs.

I’ve been so grateful to social media and texts with family and friends.

I cant wait to head of to Australia which we’ve been planning with our good friends Adam & Daryll at welcome to travel! We can’t wait to visit and see you both in person!!

Now April 2021 and I’m no longer shielding but I may well have to if another wave comes along.

I cant wait to get back exploring the world and after Australia we will head to America to see my many friends.

My general health is not the best but that’s like most thanks to the pandemic. Hopfully we can get resume treatment soon ill be back bumbling around in my wheelchair (I’ve updates on that soon too)

Ive struggled with my mental health, panic attacks, anxiety & depression are real but with the world coming back I hope to get more help & support to get that all back on track mind & body.

I can not wait to hug & see my family my dad, brother, uncle’s, aunties & cousins again.

I cant wait to see my friends again hug them, have drinks with them, eat out with them, see them.

I cant wait to go back to football to see my friends and feel that buzz at the match once again.

I cant wait to plan my wedding with adam but I’m sad my mum won’t be around to plan with me.

Adam & I have spent 13 months together just us it’s not been easy at times and who knows how long it’ll be for hopefully not long. But you know what I wouldn’t have got through it without anyone else. He’s made me laugh, cry, want to pull my hair out and laugh even more! Seeing him cuddle ole for the first time I knew he’d love her even when she makes him go outside in the cold & rain!!

Please get your vaccinations when called, wear masks if you can keep your distance and get our lives back to normal

I cant wait to go home and see the village & town I grew up in its been too long!

Thank you if you read this far and I’m hoping I’ll be back more regular now!

Vicky xx