Hey guys!

It’s been a while since I wrote a blog post apologises for that but in truth I’ve not been coping well with this situation, it’s been 9 weeks since I last went into a supermarket and I’ve no idea when I’ll return. The hardest thing though is not seeing my friends & family. I’m sat in a bubble in my home wondering what the world will be like if & when June 30th comes & I can leave my home but that’s not even certain there’s rumours it’s going to be extended further. I’ve cried a lot recently just because I miss my mates at football too and no idea when I’ll see them again and that makes me so sad.

It was hard to hear that my old town has the highest number of deaths in the county how did that happen my little market town I kmow it’s a large district but still it makes me worried for my family.

Up north now seems to be hitting our peak so shielding is so important right now, but to go & see my mum and grand parents graves, hug my cousins, talk to my aunties & uncles in person again is why I must shield.

To shield means I’ll see my friends again too, Jamie, Andy, Neil, Gary & Ben along with the other lads to see Katie, Ann Marie & Helen again. To sit with John & rosemary at old Trafford once more even see our favourite DLO again! This is why I must shield.

To go wedding dress shopping with Sophie, Katie, Carolyn & kylie for Adam to no doubt taste a million cakes to find the right one, to celebrate with our friends &. Family one big party, this is why i must shield.

If you know someone shielding make sure you check on them because it will mean a lot & talk about when this is over they return to society & how muck fun you’ll have …

I’ve already promises of drinks with Neil & Gary

Until that day comes stay safe & stay in touch with your family & friends

Vicky xxx