
I wasn’t going to blog today, but later realised it was a day that i’d like to share! You see 5 years ago today I went on my first away day as a wheelchair user to Cambridge United in the FA cup! 

Previously I’d expressed to friends that I was really apprehensive about going to away games as a wheelchair user with so many access issues across football & nervous about how a female wheelchair user would be accepted by the travelling reds! My friends encouraged me & said you’ll be fine reds look after reds!

So I went & applied for the FA cup game! I found out that week I had tickets! I ended up going with Andy our first away game! It was certainly an experience with access issues, people standing in front of me! To meeting the lads from Edinburgh reds!

The picture included is my first view at an away game, as you can see it wasn’t the best!

In the past 5 years I’ve applied for basically all away games domestically and had so much fun and seen some shocking access but seen improvements too at both away grounds & old trafford!

I’ve also travelled to Europe with the reds too and experienced many cities & adventures with my friends & fellow reds!

To everyone who’s helped me out, said hello, laughed & made me feel so welcome and included me at away games with domestic & European matches thank you so much, I’ve made some of the best friends over the past 5 year & seemingly i’m quite well known within the travelling reds!

Vicky xxx