Hey guys!
Sorry it’s been a while but I’ve had a bit going on but I’ll fill you in with that in the next few blogs but first I need to catch up!
I had missed a few games at Old Trafford which made me grumpy as I hate to miss a match! However I was determined to make one of if not the biggest games of the season, Liverpool at home!
Here I was in Manchester sat with Adam and we decided to head down to Barca Bar! It was a little weird having time to socialise pre match! However off we went into Manchester! I had a good chat with Mike about euros & Japan and the crazy train stations! I also had a chat with Lauren & Rick and met Mike (another Mike)!
It was time to head to Old Trafford! Stopping off for Adam to have his favourite burger which I just know he enjoyed! We then grabbed the obligatory program & headed to meet more friends! 
I met up with Christelle & Andy for chats. Before long Adam & Andy went there separate ways and I headed in with Christelle. It was fab to be back!
Neil had said 2-0 & I said 2-1 with a last minute winner, how I miss those last minute winners!
I caught up with Jamie pre match it was good to see him & Shay a little bit of home! Before we all headed out to the match!
It was nice to be sat in my seat once again, id missed that view!
Half time brought me to seeing Ann Marie & Helen it was so lovely to see them both!
The game ended 1-1 in all honesty id have taken that pre match with all that’s been going on recently with the team. 
After the match me & Christelle chatted waiting for Adam before we said our goodbyes & headed home!
Next stop Belgrade!!!
Vicky xxx