Hearing or am I
This week is deaf awareness week, something I’ve never really got involved in as I’m not deaf but I am hard of hearing and basically deaf in my right ear.
Pre starting school no one knew I couldn’t hear! However after starting school it was eventually found that I had hearing difficulties. At the age of 6 I had my first hearing aids and had many years of trying .. they either didn’t work or I got bullied for wearing them, it was tough.
I learnt myself to lip read and for years I just got by, I dread to think of things I’ve misheard or just not heard at all.
I went to France a few years a go and struggled to hear the pronunciation of words making communicating even harder. I vowed to return to adult audiologist’s which I did.
I was explained why I couldn’t hear something todo with my inner ear not forming right so the sound doesn’t vibrate correctly. I was shocked to hear just how bad my hearing was! I was offered an operation but I refused that. I was given an old school hearing aid.
I tried this aid a few times and it scared me the hearing world. I mean how do people cope with loud dogs barking? Rain on the top of the car? I thought I was under attack! Or the fridges/ freezers noises in supermarkets omg I was almost in tears. Who knew my phone/ iPad made a noise when I tapped it, the noises drove me mad and tbh upset me.
I came to the conclusion the hearing world is just too scary for me, I’ll live in my limited noise bubble quite happily, it’s what I no, I like this bubble!
Vicky xx