Hi guys,
Last week I had a medical appointment and then went to Madrid (blog to follow) then I went to football last game of the season (blog to follow).
This week I was meant to be in medical appointments but I am just so mentally drained from two years of solid medical appointments, don’t get me wrong I’ve had them my whole life but this past two years it’s been none stop.
I took the decision today to cancel them for the rest of the week and restart next week.
I feel I need a week to be just a normal person not rushing between appointments or sitting in waiting rooms, it’s so mentally and physically exhausting I just need a break.
My medical teams are great and I truly and thankful but I just need a break.
Next week I have two big appointments coming up as well as my weekly appointments.
Today instead of sitting in a waiting room I went out and got some fresh air (blog to follow) and saw a local town. I needed that break.
Is it my depression creeping in? Maybe so, depression creeps up on me so quickly.
But right now I’m sat looking at a pile of medical appointments all in the next few weeks. I just need a full 5 day break to recharge.
Vicky xx