evening guys,
Sorry for no blog I had a bit of an empty brain and stress headache about a then up coming trip .. so here’s a little blog but there’s lots more to come, although I thought I’d spread it out for you!
In February I was meant to be going to Seville away for a football match but my rheumatoid flared and that in turn made me anxious about going, I ended up coming home in tears, part of me thought I’d never travel again at that point.
However I managed to change our flights to Madrid for May between the bank holiday weekend and last game of season.
As the day approached I was getting more and more anxious. The Monday night my cousin came round to help me and I was again in tears about going, pour anxiety filled.
On the morning I was still very anxious I hadn’t slept to be honest. My brother helped me pack and I still felt sick and worry.
Worry about getting to Luton, getting home, the airport, the flight, the hotel, the transport even sightseeing .. just about everything went through my head.
I nearly didn’t go, everything seemed against me making my anxiety pile on!
However after two long years I did it .. I traveled once more, I beat my anxiety every single day I got out there and made memories in the beautiful Spanish capital of Madrid & managed to tick off an item on my bucket list ..
Of course I’ll fill you in my trip but I wanted to share this post because no matter how bad life feels and no matter how bad things get .. there is a light shining ready to shine right on you..
Is my biggest achievement going to Madrid or beating my anxiety .. who knows
All I know is it made me feel better about myself.
Vicky xx