So rewind a little, thought I’d let you know Man Utd won yesterday! Oh and I managed to get some sleep result 2 hours more than the hour the previous night!
Anyway woke up this morning to a purring toby by my foot and troopy doing cat yoga on the draws!
Dad took my drink, painkillers, pen, thermometer and tissues into the living room oh and phone charger! Before he folded my blankets up and returned them to the back of my wheelchair! Then pushed me up and then I sat for a few minutes letting my shoulders wake up a bit! Then dad transferred me to my wheelchair .. darn I’d forgotten to charge it it’s on Amber ops!
I came in the living room and popped BTsport on to watch day 2 of the ashes day/night series from Adelaide! Ben was barking for his morning chew and breakfast, he’s already been for a walk! Then I had my fortisip and painkillers as my left knee is hurting this morning.
This afternoon was spent watching the south coast derby, Bournemouth v Southampton it ended in a draw and then Man City v West Ham which city won. I also had a lye down as my back was hurting and a painkiller.
Pain had been bad today, hoping for a better day tomorrow! 
I’ve had my fire on today for the first time this winter!

See you tomorrow
Vicky xx