
Today is day 3 of social isolation, if you didn’t know I’ve been doing an instagram story so if you want to follow me it’s @footie_lass. Where you can keep up with me daily. Tomorrow I will be posting another recipe of chicken & vegetable soup, if anyone is interested. I’m finding during this difficult time people are making the most of the food they have. We had some potato’s & chicken that needed using so I came up with an idea to use them up. We also had some bread rolls that were stale so we wizzed them up for breadcrumbs and I’m thinking of making some yummy meatballs.

I’m hoping to make some cakes too as Adam likes something sweet so that’s on my list too!

I had a cry earlier as these weird times are really making me miss my mum just to pick up the phone & call her for a chat and a bit of reassurance, My nan would have had recipe ideas and definitely have said get baking a cake! It’s hard living 100 miles away from my family during these difficult times.

I’d like to end this with a simple reminder, keep in touch with your loved ones during this time. Connect with old friends & new ones. Keep up with your local community. If you need to reach out to talk them do, we are all reacting to this I’m different ways but we all need someone to talk to.

Vicky xxx